
Happy to have you.

Hello, my loves! 

I am very much so looking forward to having you join the After Party for the “On My Way Home” exhibition on Sunday, Feb 21st at 8:00 PM JST. 

For the occasion, we will have some lovely speakers that will share their art and process during a chat scheduled for 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM. If you are looking to join the exhibition-part of the event, please be sure to view it prior to the After Party on Instagram Live (Feb 16th-20th) or view the details on this page or the preview of the exhibition paintings here.

Why are we holding this event? Initially, this gathering started out with the hope to bring a few friends together over morning coffee. Slowly, it morphed into a talk session to get some wonderful artists, creatives, and people together in the same space. Throughout the chat, it will be a wonderful opportunity to mingle, gain ideas or insight, and connect with different creators in different areas of the world.

If you have other friends who would like to join, there still is space. Forward them this link to register.

The Link To Join

Meeting ID: 867 7548 9849

Password: afterparty


All you need to do is click this link above at least 5 minutes before we start so you know that you're all ready to go.

 If this doesn't work, type the number of the link into the Meeting ID.

*Please note* Your audio will not be on at the beginning of the session. During the talks by the artists, you will be encouraged to use the chatbox to ask questions, chat with the other people in the call, or share a little about yourself. It is only during the breakout times where audio and video will both be turned on. If you would like to opt-out, feel free to mute your audio/turn off your screen, and pick up a glass of wine instead.

Tablets and phones are fine but will be best on a computer or a laptop.

The Speakers


Reylia Slaby

Photographer / Writer - Having been born and raised in Japan, Reylia Slaby uses the influences from her unusual Asian upbringing as the main theme in her artwork. Her photos are a rich blend of the Japanese aesthetic, and is greatly revealing of her personal experiences and thought. From the culture of Japan to being a ‘third culture kid,’ her desire is to weave all the different aspects of her life into her art. She strongly believes in an empirical body of work, and is adamant when it comes to adding an individual and unique meaning to each image.



Kei Tanaka

Expressionist / Designer - For Kei Takana, to continuously express herself through a wide variety of mediums, whether that be fashion design or art, is necessary. While the question, “What do you do?” may be common, she believes it is impossible to limit her own energy and life to one simple answer. She seeks to exist as a being who lives fully in the present and responds to what direction her heart is gravitating towards while sharing the experiences and learnings with those around her.



David Woo

Cinematographer | Filmmaker – David has an extensive background in documentary-style visual storytelling, first as a photojournalist, then later on as a cinematographer for documentaries before branching out into commercial and narrative projects. Over the years, David has primarily worked on documentary and CSR/CSV driven commercial projects that focused on helping grassroots organizations, local shops, & established brands bridge profit and purpose. The human condition can be tough and it’s becoming even more important now in our polarized society that brands work together with organizations & individuals. Believing that stories can evoke in viewers a sense of compassion and responsibility, David uses his expertise to craft intimate, story-driven films to help directors, brands, and organizations inspire change.


The Schedule

For your listening pleasure, I asked each participant to select five songs that have gotten them through this past year along with music that gives them the inspiration to create. Please feel free to have a listen while you are on the call.

For those that have Spotify, please feel free to check it out here

I ask you to also ready a nice cup of early afternoon coffee, or a nice glass of wine or a cup of decaf tea if it is your evening.

After Party Length: Approx. One hour


Reylia Slaby, Fine Art Photographer

“On Art” (English/英語)


Time to Mingle


David Woo, Fine Art Photographer

“On Art” (English/英語)

Kei Tanaka, Upcycling Fashion Designer

“The Power of Words” (Japanese/日本語)
